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Introduction to LaTeX for Graduate Students Workshop - In person - Ian Barba, Shelley Barba - Lab 16 In-Person

1. Familiarity with basic LaTeX syntax 2. Familiarity with Overleaf online tool 3. Creation of a basic research document

LaTeX is a standard document form for a variety of disciplines that involve scientific or mathematic notation. It is significantly different than MS Word or Google Docs and much less intuitive. This workshop covers the basics of LaTeX, including coding concepts, document creation, syntax, equations and formulas, tables and figures, citations, and formatting. Participants will leave with helpful syntax examples as well as a functional research document/template that they can use to help with future research.

Workshop is aimed at graduate student audience but anyone is welcome to attend.

Related LibGuide: Introduction to LaTeX for Graduate Students by Ian Barba

Monday, October 7, 2024
2:00pm - 4:00pm
Time Zone:
Central Time - US & Canada (change)
Instruction Lab 016
University Library
Registration has closed.

Event Organizer

Profile photo of Ian Barba
Ian Barba


TTU Library Mezzanine #104

(806) 834-5441

Subjects: Classical & Modern Languages & LiteratureEnglishEspañol, Spanish LanguageTechnical Communications & Rhetoric

TTU Libraries Research, Instruction & Outreach

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